Thursday, October 29, 2009

Novel Study: Journal Entry

I only assign 1 or 2 journal entries for the novel unit, and I usually find this one of the most interesting assignments as I get to have a bit of a dialogue with you about your novel. Please keep the following in mind when it comes to journal writing:

1. Writing in response to reading without a goal of deeper understanding is a waste of time (yours and mine)
2. Your goals are to:
a) personalize the story (make it more meaningful for you)
b) gain insights about characters
c) see the world in a different way

3. The main point of journal writing is to clarify your thoughts by committing your thinking to paper.

Please choose a quote or a passage from your novel (include page number) and explain the connection you have made to it. How does the connection you have made help you understand more about the book? Today you need to post your own journal entry, and respond to two other people in your LIT circle group. As always, proper grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. applies. Finally, make sure you are linked to everyone else who is reading the same novel. Please include your novel title in your blog title. Example: Journal #1: Three Day Road

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Giving Thanks for Novel Research

Your job today is to research some background issue that relates to the novel you are reading. You may choose to research the author, or the setting that your novel takes place in (the setting may include location and/or time in history). Focus your research on one key idea and write a paragraph that summarizes the information that you found. Once you have finished your paragraph you need to add at least one key image that relates to your research, and include a link to at least one website that you found interesting. Finally, make sure you are linked to the blogs of all other people who are reading the same novel as you are.

For the blog you are responsible for:

a) The paragraph summarizing your research
b) A minimum of one image that relates to your research
c) A link to at least one website that you found informative.



You may take a moment to consider all that you are thankful for in your life, pick one specific thing and describe in detail why you are thankful for it. Keep in mind you need to make your reader feel the way you feel. Get some detail and emotion into your writing. You could tie this post into the novel you are reading. Many characters in the English 12 Lit Circle novels go through experiences that make us feel lucky that we are not in their shoes. If your novel is making you appreciate an aspect of your own life, then please comment on that.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blog Roaming...

Visit three classmates' blogs and read either their "top 3" or their blog choice entry. Leave a comment that offers suggestions as to the strengths of the article. It is not good enough to just say "well done" or "good job." You must refer to TWO SPECIFIC aspects of their writing. It may be the introduction, the diction, the imagery, the ideas... It's also not good enough to just say 'Nice diction" or "good ideas." What made the imagery effective? What specifically did you like about the introduction? As well, leave one suggestion for improvement. I will read comments that are posted as well as your blogs. Both will contribute to your blog mark.